What do you think would make a good answer to this part 2 topic?
Describe a hobby you enjoy doing. You should say:
what it is
where you do it
whether you do it alone or with others
and say what is good and bad about this hobby.
Now watch the video and answer these questions with YES/NO
Is the test taker given time to prepare?
Can the test taker make notes?
Does he speak about all four points on the card?
Does he hesitate and/or stop speaking at any time?
Does he speak for the full two minutes?
Does he speak only about the one hobby?
Does the examiner interrupt the test taker during this talk?
Does the examiner ask any questions at the end of the long turn?
After you have answered the 8 questions above, plan your own response to the topic and upload your recorded response here for some feedback. Also watch/listen to the responses of others and give some feedback.
সবগুলো প্রশ্নের উত্তর দেয়ার পর স্পিকিং টপিকটি আবার দেখুন এবং নিজের উত্তর নিয়ে চিন্তা করুন | ১-২ মিনিট চিন্তা করার পর আপনার উত্তর রেকর্ড করে এখানে আপলোড করুন যাতে করে আমরা ফিডব্যাক দিতে পারি | তারপর অন্যদের উত্তরগুলো দেখুন/শুনুন আর ফিডব্যাক দিন |
A strong IELTS Speaking Part 2 answer is well-structured, detailed, and confident. Similarly, business executives need effective communication skills to lead successfully, and Executive Education Programs and Courses for CEO and C-level Executives provide valuable training in strategic and persuasive communication.
A commendable IELTS Speaking Part 2 response showcases coherence, fluency, and depth of detail. An exemplary answer not only addresses the prompt but also employs varied vocabulary and grammatical structures to maintain engagement. Additionally, effective use of pauses and intonation enhances clarity and expression. When discussing a topic, it's beneficial to offer personal insights or anecdotes to provide a unique perspective. You can Visit This Link for more tips on mastering Speaking Part 2 and view it to understand how to incorporate these strategies into your practice sessions. Remember, practice and preparation are key to achieving success in the IELTS exam.