Globally recognised test from the University of Cambridge
Fast, affordable and online
Take the test anywhere, anytime
Easy registration process, result in within 48 hours
Linguaskill General tests language used in daily life, making it ideal for recruitment and benchmarking for roles in a non-business-specific environment. For example, where the employee needs strong English skills to perform their role effectively, but will not need specialist business terminology.
This makes the test suitable for a broad spectrum of organisations. Test topics include training and working, making future plans, travel and technology.
Linguaskill Business tests English used in a business and corporate setting, and is most suitable for recruitment in organisations where employees are expected to be familiar with the language of business.
It is suitable for large or small organisations, which may be operating on an international level. Test topics include the buying and selling of products or services, the office, business travel and human resources.
The Linguaskill test is modular. This gives you choice about the skills you want to assess.
The Reading and Listening module is adaptive: questions become easier or more difficult depending on an individual’s previous answer.
There are also two test options, Business and General, so that you can test the type of English best suited for your organisation.
To find out more about the test format, please visit
The cost of a test locally is BDT 10,000 (+5% VAT and surcharges) for individual candidates. Please see our brochure for pricing for organisations.
To register for your Linguaskill examination, please send an email to
Please see the brochure to learn more about how we can administer Linguaskill for your organisation. You can also fill in the contact form below, and we will get back to you very soon.