Match these seven terms to the advice/rules below:
A. Don’t use 100 words to say what can be said in 10. Often, the longer a piece of business writing, the less effective it is. (In business, time is money, so people don’t have time to read unnecessary words.) So, instead of using ‘due to the fact that’, use ‘because’.
B. A lot of people make their writing too formal. This can give the writing a distant, cold or pompous feel. So, try to keep your writing close to how you would say things if you were speaking to someone, though obviously you shouldn’t use too much slang.
C. Try to be positive in what you are saying. Nothing is perfect, so it’s easy to just criticise negatively. It is better to recommend something that can improve things. So, avoid words like ‘no’, ‘not’, ‘stupid’, ‘error’, ‘mistake’ and ‘your fault’.
D. Make sure you have included all the information someone needs. If you have not included everything, they will have to waste time contacting you again.
E. Make sure you are specific instead of general when you refer to things. So, instead of saying ‘all the things you ordered’, try using ‘the twenty desks you ordered’.
F. The purpose of your letter should remain obvious at all times. Do not hide your meaning with jargon or random ideas. Remember, you want people to know what you mean.
G. Lastly, always check what you have written for mistakes or omissions. You automatically check your image in a mirror before meeting someone. A letter full of spelling mistakes creates a bad impression.
PRACTICE: Match these faulty sentences with the rules above. There is at least one sentence for each rule. Then correct the errors.
You should not have told me that the meeting was on Wednesday, because it was actually on Tuesday, so it was your fault I missed it.
It is the greatest of privileges for me to have such an opportunity to introduce myself to you.
Fank yuo for all the works which have been did by you.
Please put the stuff where we put the other stuff last time.
I should say in no uncertain terms and with all due consideration that my answer is most definitely yes.
I can confirm we have the product, but I don’t know how much it costs. Maybe you could ask me another time.
I have already written to your company. I have an MSc Dip. degree. FYI, I know what your product line is and can RSVP ASAP if the quango is okay with that.
Write/upload your responses below for our feedback. Also comment on the responses given by others.
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