How much information do you keep about your work contacts? What do you do when someone's contact details you need is not in your phone?
Listen to a phone conversation between two colleagues, Raul and Mirella. Complete the missing information from a business card.
Name: Leif ___________________________
Office: ________________________________
Email: ________________________________
Company website: __________________
Match expressions 1-8 to responses A-H. Then listen again and check.
1. Could you give me his details?
2. Can I have his number?
3. Sorry, can you repeat that?
4. So that's 96 7 55 6745
5. And do you spell his name with one N or double N?
6. Sorry, was that E-R or A-R?
7. Do you have his email?
8. What's his company's web address?
A. A as in apple. So it's Gunnarson.
B. Yes, it's double 0 46 for Sweden. And then 967 double 5 6745.
C. It's The SBN is in upper case letters.
D. Double N. So that's G-U-N-N-A-R-S-O-N.
E. Yes, that's it.
F. It's
G. Yes, sure.
H. His mobile or his office?
Listen to the conversation again, focus on the intonation (tone and voice going up or down) of the expressions 1-8 and practise saying them out loud.
Write/upload your responses below for our feedback. Also comment on the responses given by others. আমাদের ফিডব্যাক পেতে আপনার উত্তরগুলো নিচে লিখুন/আপলোড করুন | অন্যদের উত্তরগুলোও দেখুন আর ফিডব্যাক দিন |